Remote control system ver. 2.0 – now it’s CSS powered!

Hi ! Here we have an update for Remote Control System … now it’s responsive web design.

The sketch has been revised and simplified (you can still find the explanations of variables that you can modify to your liking).

In your browser write your Arduino IP address or load webpage from your server (now CSS too) like we explained in previous article on this site.

In fact the downloadable file contains both Arduino sketch and the webpage to be copied on your server.

screenshot1 screenshot2

Before you load this sketch on your Arduino board you have to change the IP address. There are several points in the listing where you find an IP address so be sure to change them all.

Images used as buttons are linked to our site but, as you can guess it, you can customize to your needs. Just load images on your server and link them in the sketch.

The connections remain the same as the previous version so you can just load the upgrade and you are done.

Last but not least, new version of  Android Remote Control supports this new version of Remote Control System.

Arduino – Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software.

W3Schools – in case you need to learn how CSS work.

Remote control system 2.0 CSS (330 download )

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Author: Admin

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